Milica Lukić, master prostorna planerka, istraživačica i edukatorka sa više od 5 godina radnog iskustva na različitim naučnim i stručnim studijama iz oblasti zaštite životne sredine i prostornog planiranja. Od 2018.godine zaposlena je na Geografskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, u zvanju istraživačice-saradnice. Trenutno je posvećena izradi doktorske disertacije, na matičnom fakultetu, na temu „Spoljašnji termalni komfor u funkciji urbanog planiranja gradskog naselja Beograd“. Autorka je više od 40 naučnih radova u međunarodnim i nacionalnim časopisima. Članica je više stručnih međunarodnih i domaćih udruženja i asocijacija: International Association for Urban Climate IAUC, Asocijacija prostornih planera Srbije, WISE Serbia – Žene Srbije u održivoj energetici, Srpsko geografsko društvo i dr. Oblasti interesovanja: prostorno i urbano planiranje, urbana bioklimatologija i klimatske promene, upravljanje otpadom.
Milica Lukić, master spatial planner, researcher and educator with more than 5 years of work experience on various scientific and professional studies in the field of environmental protection and spatial planning. Since 2018, she has been employed at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, as a researcher-associate. Currently, she is dedicated to the writing of her doctoral dissertation, on the topic “Outdoor thermal comfort in the function of urban planning of the Belgrade urban settlement”. She is the author of more than 40 scientific articles in international and national journals. She is a member of several professional international and domestic associations: International Association for Urban Climate IAUC, Association of Spatial Planners of Serbia, WISE Serbia – Women of Serbia in Sustainable Energy, Serbian Geographical Society and others. Areas of interest: spatial and urban planning, urban bioclimatology and climate change, waste management.